miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009

How to power up an ATX Power Supply

Use a thicker cabel to connect green plug to any other BLACK plug.
When you do this make sure that you have some device(s) connected to the PSU (Power Supply).

STOP: c0000218 Unknown Hard Error

Setat bios (conflict intre unitatea HDD si CD-ROM UDMA nok)
Schimbat slot memorie

joi, 2 aprilie 2009

Proverbe Strict Romanesti

-Ca romanu' nu-i nici unu',unde-s multi putea fi unu' .

-Fie painea cat de rea,tot ti-o fura cineva.

-Cine ne viziteaza ne face onoare,cine nu placere.

-De urata nu-i frumoasa,da-i desteapta proasta dracu'.

-Ne nastem goi,uzi si flamanzi.De abia dupa aceea lucrurile se inrautatesc.

-In viata sunt doua cuvinte care deschid multe usi: " trage" si "impinge".

-Omul intelept isi face vara sanie si iarna o pune pe foc.

-Cine fura azi un ou si se lasa prins.....e un bou.

-Proverb marinaresc: Iubeste-ti copilul ca si cand ar fi al tau.

-Nici o fapta buna nu scapa nepedepsita.

-Ai carte,ai cu ce sa te stergi la cur.

-Mama prostilor e mereu gravida.

-Mai bine burtos de la bere,decat cocosat de la munca.

-Nu esti beat atat timp cat poti sta intins pe podea fara sa te sprijini.

miercuri, 1 aprilie 2009

Iriver T60 "File check error"

Upgrade your iriver T60’s firmware:

1. Plug the T60 into your computer and turn on
2. Create a new folder on it called data
3. Unzip the firmware file (eg: T60_0x4102_0x1134_N_ENG.ZIP) into the new data folder on your T60
4. Once thats done, as usual for firmware upgrades-> unplug the T60 and it will do the firmware upgrade to itself, Don’t touch any buttons and wait until it turns itself off
5. When you turn it on it will be the latest version :-) . Some settings may have been defaulted so make sure you change all the settings to the way they were before the upgrade

Firmware Updater for MTP devices iriver:
  • Iriver Firmware Updater (1.2MB)

    More info :
  • Here